Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Havin' Fun On CNN's Dopey Crossfire:

"Less than 10% of the Democratic primary has been decided so far, son. (Monday, February 4)"

"But mommy, Ayatolla Begalla just said it there was no more democratic primary."

"Now Now, Honey, Ayatolla Begalla just tells us what to think. He gets told what to think by the 'New Democrats.' And they get told what to think by the same big monied interests that tell the Repuglkens what to think."

"Huh? Mommy you mean they're all the same???"

"Yes, son...and when they find one that is really different, like Dr. Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont, they steal all of his messages, get over their own cowardice, and try to kill off the messenger, Dr. Dean."

But mom, that's not fair. Howard Dean is the one who thought up all the reasons to bring the Democrats out of their death slide! And Kerry voted FOR THE WAR and now he pretends he hates it!"

"Maybe Dr. Dean will get smart, kick the so-called new democrats in the nuts and become an INDEPENDENT!"

"Son, if he does that, we all win~!"

"But Mom, what will Ayatolla Begala do? And that ugly, snake-lookin' thing--the bald Ayatolla that is on there sometimes?"

"Put ice-bags on their nutsacks?"


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