Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Horrifying Thoughts...Probably True

1. Chimp_junta kills Nicholas Berg in Iraq to deflate photo scandal.

2. Chimp_junta kills Senator Paul Wellstone in Minnesota to get their toe-sucker Norm whatever elected. Wellstone was a sure shot winner, and junta did not make the mistake they made with Senator Mel Carnahan.

Carnahan's small plane crash left his wife, Jean Carnahan, (D) to take the election away from chimp_junta.

3. The Wellstone plane crash, which I think was murder, took the entire Wellstone family and friends.

4. Haiti's elected leader overthrown by chimp_junta so someone favorable to the 'war on terrorism' can get elChimpo into power.

5. Philippines invaded by US forces and Philippine puppet dictator begins 'war on terrorism.'

6. Iraq's "government," Paul Bremer as Viceroy and all, has no constitution, no elected representatives, no one to answer to except: CHIMP. So it is easy to see that Chimp finally got the dictatorship he always dreamed of, complete with oil reserves. Enough oil to finance the world domination he envisions for himself and neo cons for the rest of the New American Century.

Using our American service people to police his dictatorship in Iraq is a war crime. Using our service people to capture and kill native Iraqis is a war crime. Using them for torture is a war crime.

Everyone in chimp_junta is a felon. Many are past felons who have been pardoned by former Washington gopper power brokers. They should all be tried for their crimes, lined up against a wall, and shot at dawn.

Can anyone deny the world will be a safer, nicer place without the terrorism of George W Bush, Tony Blair, and their respective acolytes sitting in high places?

Hang em. Hang em high. Hang em by the balls.


  • At 4:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    By their balls!!!



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