Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Chimp_junta Hides Real Numbers of BADLY Injured Soldiers In Iraq. What The Fuck Do We Expect? The Truth???

NOW with Bill Moyers. Society & Community. The Cost of War. Hidden Casualties | PBS

(At least 11,000 more soldiers have been badly hurt in Iraq than the Chimp_junta will admit. But hey, they don't matter. And if we knew about all of that, more people might be really pissed off at Bush. Every kid learns it's easier to LIE LIE LIE than tell the truth.

Bush knows all about lying. That fucking lying son of a bitch does NOTHING but lie lie lie. Someone should ___ that mother fucker and take all the lies out of his ass until we can put him on trial, along with the entire lying, murderous, tricky, dirty, illegal cabal.

The most dangerous and criminal dictatorship in the history of our Republic--and in fact in the history of the world, now has their hand on the bomb. Squatting in OUR WHITE HOUSE!
We are even unable to take pictures of our dead, in their coffins, at Dover Air Force Base.

Please make sure YOU are registered to vote. Make sure that anyone in your family that is not registered to vote get their asses down to the county voter registration office, or sign up to vote on the internet at

Could it be any easier?????? Could it be any more IMPORTANT????? This is the last chance to ***END A DICTATORSHIP BEFORE IT GETS COMPLETELY OUT OF HAND WITH FOUR MORE YEARS OF UN-STOPPABLE P-O-W-E-R.***

Today, America is a banana republic. We have an unelected junta squatting in our White House. They were installed by a criminally irresponsible group of five Republican-appointees who could have cared less about constitutional law. These unspeakably bad bastards were crushing the system they were sworn to uphold. Anyone who thinks the 9-11 hijackers were bad people were doing NOTHING worse than these judges were doing: Changing the system of government by installing their own ideology. But, you say, they didn't kill anybody, right?

Wrong. If the Chimp_Junta was not squatting in Our White House, preparing for their vacation; if the Democrat's Al Gore, who won the popular vote in the election were in office...does anyone think he would have blown bubbles or used crayons in his coloring book when there was an immediate threat from OBL in the President's Daily Briefing?!?

IT is clear from the hearings on 9-11 that were recently concluded that elChimp was disinterested, uncurious, and just plain fucking stupid.

What would our world be like today if an administration in our White House had heeded the multitude of alerts shoved under their nose instead of been a bunch of energy/oil millionaires/crooks intent on dividing up Iraq's oil fields and using the Armed Forces of the United States of America as their own personal army of invasion and occupation? What would it be like if we, Americans, had not re-opened the sadistic torture chambers of AbuGraib, or the killing fields of Falluja with the Butcher of Falluja, Gen. Mark Kimmitt? Of course he must be tried for war crimes as well, and hung.

Every one of these treasonous bastards must be hung or shot by firing squad. There can be no justice in the world until this is over. Really over. And Bush actually has the balls to run for election? This mean, nasty, vindictive war criminal should be running for his life, not political office.

What would that tell the world, if a World Champion War Criminal were actually voted into the 'Presidency' of the USA? What would that tell chimp_junta, with four nice new years of unfettered power to slaughter nations, tear down the Arctic natural areas, and give our best forest lands to their fat-cat buds in return for money money money. Lies lies lies. All goes hand in cuff, huh?

A.J. Franklin
June 19, 2004


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