Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Inhofe, A Senator. Inhofe, A Fucking Idiot. Inhofe, Up for election in 2 years...

I have seen mean, nasty, horrible politicians in my day, sir...and you are a ten out of ten on the evil scorecard.

When your bud Azzcrack lost to a dead man in the 2000 senatorial election, you had the gall to slam your shoe on a table, jump up and down and rant for an hour about the results.

That was the voice of the people, you nasty, nasty little man.

And your performance in the Senate Committee investigating torture and abuse of detained Iraqis in Abu Graib prison is just as mind-boggling. Perhaps you need some of that "frat hazing" and "Letting off steam" which includes anal rape with hot pokers and broomsticks? Criminal beatings and murder?

And our troops did this against people whom YOU already convicted without a trial? The Red Cross, an agency with which I have a lot less concern about their ethics, morals, and agenda, than I do with a crook like Tom DeLay, or you--decried the situation in these prisons MONTHS ago. Rumsfeld said he knew about it all.

But then Rummy decided the time for circumspection was over, and got to the business of accusing everyone but himself, who moments before he had blamed, for the problem.

The problem with you, you son-of-a-bitch, is that the truth is out. In your case and the case of this derelict, war criminal administration, the truth will hang them. Hang them all after a trial in the Hague...which they have tried to disavow as a court of law. But after the 30th of June, that amnesty for war criminals is over.

Is that why you and chimp_junta picked 30 June to "say" Iraq had new soveriegnity? You don't want to be snapped up by international police and tried as a WAR CRIMINAL?
The Nazis said Nuremberg was not a court of law, too. But they all twisted in the wind, and stretched a rope in a good old Texas Necktie Party, for crimes nearly as bad as the Butcher of Fallujah's, BG Mark Kimmitt, and the rest of you GOP_thugs.

And these pictures that you decry with your outrage over the outrage of others being outraged? Maybe you stinking right wing-nuts would do the country a favor by offering the whistle-blowers medals, instead of another helping of wing-nut bombast.


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