Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Monday, August 09, 2004

ACT-Ohio Fact Check on Bush Speech in Columbus | America Coming Together (ACT)

ACT-Ohio Fact Check on Bush Speech in Columbus America Coming Together (ACT)

President Bush spoke in Columbus (Aug 5) in an attempt to steer attention away from Ohio’s bad economic news, but the facts on the ground just aren’t adding up.

This is a “Rapid Response Document,” your source for the facts on how Bush’s policies are impacting regular Ohioans, brought to you by America Coming Together (ACT). All Quotes are from George W. Bush during his visit to Columbus today.

“If you say something, you better mean it.” – George W. Bush, Columbus, Ohio, August 5, 2004

1. RHETORIC : “There’s more to do make this county safer.”

REALITY: Bush 2005 budget includes a 18.4% cut—$805 million—in grant funding to state and local governments for first responders. “Bush has often vowed ‘to make sure that our first responders, the brave police and firefighters and emergency management teams, get resources necessary to do the job you expect them to do.’ But he proposed an 18.4 percent cut in funds or first responders, an $805 million reduction the administration says is justified…” [Source: Washington Post, 2/5/04]
REALITY: Bush secret 2006 budget plan includes $1 billion in cuts for Homeland Security – which could affect thousands of first responders. The secret budget memo, according to the Washington Post, includes $1 billion in cuts for Homeland Security. This could pay the salaries of more than 23,700 police officers or more than 28,000 firefighters. [Source: ; Washington Post, 5/27/04].

More (LOTS MORE) Jingoisms from the Commander in Thief....Link


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