Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Thursday, July 10, 2003


Watching the Senate hearings yesterday, one overwhelming fact became evident.

Every question a Dem Senator would ask Rumsfeld would have some reference to "well, after nine-eleven..."

Democrats can invoke 'after nine-eleven' just as well. It is our nation and our tragedy as well as the Bush_junta's.

After nine-eleven Americans lost many of their civil liberties, After nine-eleven, the country was taken into several nation building experiments that have decimated the lives of innocents in Afghanistan and, much more disastrously, Iraq.

"After Nine-Eleven" is becoming the mantra of the Bush_junta. They plan to wrap themselves with it in New York City for their "Nominating Convention."

Enough is enough already. No more "After Nine Eleven excuses."

What are the real reasons the administration decided to drum up fear and hatred for Saddam? Why was he made the bogeyman for our invasion and decimation of a sovereign nation for the first time in the history of our Republic?

After nine-eleven, we would have expected MORE care and concern from our elected leaders, not more WAR. Get to the truth. Cut the 'after nine-eleven' jingoism. Put away the flags and the religious dogma and let's hear the TRUTH.

I think once that happens, you will find out the 'truth' was all a pack of lies. I think the day is coming when Bush can run to Africa while this simmers in his back yard, but he can't hide. It's time to call him to account. The bush_buck should stop, NOW.

The coward is AWOL again. Yellow, lily-livered bastard, again. While this issue is on the front burner in America, Rove has his Commander Bunnypants off making speeches in deepest, darkest Africa. While the questions in everyone's mind is WHY DID WE GO TO WAR IN IRAQ??? That little bastard has the gall to hide out in the "country" of Africa.


Let's hope someone over there cuffs him, stuffs him, and ships his fucking cowardly ass to the Hague in a small, hot, wooden box, where he is chained in an uncomfortable position. Wearing prison jump-suit orange and peeing in a small bottle. Rolling around in his own defecation. To be put on trial, right next to Milosovec, for Crimes Against The Peace.

Hang him. Hang him high. HANG HIM BY THE BALLS.


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