Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Monday, November 03, 2003

When Will Americans Take Back Their Country from Despicable Lying Chimp_Cabal?


Viceroy Paul Bremer, formerly of GRopper think tank, spins the killings of our kids in Iraq as done by "the enemies of freedom."

These lousy bastards, chimper_junta, are the enemies of freedom. They have begun a new century with an unwinnable war. They are now "Vietnamming" the Iraq war. All of the same bullshit. All of the same idiot GRopper international criminal lawbreaker chickenhawk cowards, AWOL Chimper leading from the rear--who brought you Viet Nam.

They limped out of there after killing millions of VN civilians and nearly 60,000 American brave soldiers.

Someone should beat the whole chimp_junta senseless. Hack them to death with swords. Kill off the whole lousy pack of lying mother-fucas. Who are the true Patriots, here? These lying, Halliburton-sucking freaks in our White House, or our heroes coming back in caskets that Bush_junta does not allow to be photographed at Dover (DEL) AFB?

They have even renamed the caskets as "transfer tubes!!???!" Unbelievable reproach to the entire civilization, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Mormons, Islamists as well.

The world is bleeding. The men/women who are our family, have been sent to die in the stinking Iraqi desert because chimper Bush couldn't coax oil out of the stinking West Texas desert.

Bush must go. Bush_cabal must be impeached or if that takes too long, disemboweled in the next election in November 2004. But this new century must get rid of every godddamn GRopper in our White House.

If not, our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, unto the 7th generation of Americans, will suffer from this idiot and his hard right-wing neo-con agenda to take X-tianity to the middle east and kill everything in his way.

Nothing they say--NOTHING THEY SAY--is truth. It is all, right down to the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED lie, lies. Deceit. Criminal and treasonous acts.

No Army General, Officer, or enlisted man should accept any further command of this unelected and fraudulent government of this bananna republic in Washington, DC.

It is time to retake our America. Retake it from these stinking bastards who have no laws. Have no consciences. Have no religion except power and billions and billions of dollars of graft, war profiteering, greed, and the death of our soldiers for their own benefit.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. Sayeth the American Voter. Register. Vote. Take back our country. No matter who the Democrats put forward, vote for him. It is that serious...we have to vote or die.


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