Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Republican Journalist Has Had Enough of Chimp_junta

Carl F. Worden: President Howard Dean

When I wrote, “Another One-Termer Like Dad?” several months ago, I began my treatise with the words, “If the Democrats play their cards right, and if President George W. Bush extends the federal Assault Weapon Ban that was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton, then I am going to predict that George W. Bush will be a one-term war-hero president just like his father.”
Well, whether by hook or crook, and whether intended or not, the Democrats are playing their cards right. That article and my predictions were right on the money, even to extent that I foretold, “If the Democrats do something truly stupid, like run a raving liberal like Al Gore or Hillary Clinton for president, then Bush 43 has maybe an even chance. But if the Democrats run a moderate, southern pro-gun candidate who promises not to use the Constitution as toilet paper, then I can predict with complete confidence that a Democrat, or possibly even a third-party candidate, will occupy the White House after the next presidential election.”

Get ready for President Howard Dean. No he’s not a moderate, southern pro-gun candidate. Instead, he’s a former Vermont governor from the north. Everything else falls right into line: He is a moderate Democrat who is also a pro-gun candidate who promises not to use the Constitution as toilet paper.

Dean is adamantly against the war in Iraq. Dean is conservatively pro-gun. Dean is soft on abortion and he is a moderate Democrat socialist to the extent that he believes government is responsible for taking care of those who are either mentally or physically unable to care for themselves. In that light, he’s the perfect candidate to take residence in the White House following the coming November elections.

Unless Howard Dean screws up in some spectacular way, or unless Dean dies in another suspicious airplane accident, Howard Dean will be the next president of the United States. Mark my words.

Dean is the perfect candidate for election in 2004. George W. Bush has divided the Republican Party into two distinct groups. They comprise the phony and fascist Neo-Conservatives who mistakenly embraced the perpetually wrong philosophy that the ends justify the means, ala Clinton. To them, if Clinton could get away with it, why shouldn’t they? Their error has manifested itself via a disastrous war on Iraq that was never constitutionally declared by Congress, and the blatantly and irrefutably unconstitutional Patriot Act.

Both the moderate Democrats and the true American Christian conservatives have found themselves in surprising and stunning agreement on these issues.

If you leave out religious conviction ala the abortion debate, which is entirely the province of the judiciary at this time anyway, and hone in on constitutional principle only, moderate Democrats and right-wing, true Christian conservatives, are in unexpected agreement: We have yet another Viet Nam on our hands, and our kids are being unnecessarily killed as a result of it.

History will prove those kids died in vain, just like all those 58,000 kids killed in Viet Nam: Viet Nam is still a communist nation, and we have reinstated full diplomatic and trade relations with them. In that light, every one of those kids died for NOTHING, and the same will be said of those being killed right now in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The true American conservatives who once commanded the Republican Party, are horrified by what Bush has done, and many of them, including myself, have vowed never to support Bush again, even if we have to vote for a third party candidate that has little chance of winning.

To the truly committed, truly Christian conservative, George W. Bush is a traitor, a completely phony Christian, and just another politician who placed his left hand on the Bible, raised his right hand to God, and swore to uphold and defend a Constitution he had every intention of violating – if the “situation” warranted it.

If there is one thing that true conservatives share, it is their solid and unwavering conviction to do what is both lawful and right, both under the law, and in the eyes of our God. In that light, our current president is woefully unfaithful, and in fact, treasonous to our Constitution.

A president who personally declares a United States citizen an enemy combatant, ineligible for legal counsel or to face his accusers and their evidence against him, even though he was arrested on U.S. soil and never carried a weapon against U.S. forces or their allies, is a domestic enemy of the people of the United States. True Christian conservatives understood that the moment he issued the order.

True Americans with solid constitutional convictions were outraged by that, and they immediately knew they had a problem in the White House. I don’t know what Howard Dean’s religious convictions, if any, hold to. But it doesn’t matter in this case. Here we have a pro-gun candidate who is against this disastrous war in Iraq, and he is a candidate intent on principle to uphold he personal convictions. I like him, and for the first time in my life, I will vote for a Democrat, Howard Dean, to be my next president next November.

If he’s still alive.


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