Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Helicopter Landings on Abe Lincoln--Easier Than Landing In Front of the Press in Africa?!? COWARD. AWOL AGAIN?

I have survived a lot of presidential administrations. Yours is certainly the worst ever. You hide. You lie and obfuscate; you duck questions. When you last had a 'news conference,' before your lying charade about 'the dictator of Iraq,' it was, in your own gobbledygook_lexicon, "scripted, you know."

Letting your string_puppets, Powell, Rice, etc, take the hit for you today, though, right Cdr. Bunnypants?

Why don't you just get out there and let the press ask some real questions like they do in Africa? But you are hiding out there, coward. We know that. You are AWOL yet again.

Do you not have the intelligence to answer questions? Where is your presidential ability? Did you need to know the answers to the questions before you got your "gentleman's C" in college? Or was cheerleading at football games, dressed in a tutu, your real forte?

Come out come out where ever you are, George. Let the public hear you answer real questions from real reporters, not scripted answers from made up reporters. Take a question or two from the Grand Dame of the White House Press Corps, Ms. Helen Thomas. Why did you relegate her to the back row in your phony, scripted, pre-attack performance? Coward. AWOL again?

The last duly-elected president of the United States, President William Jefferson Clinton, had given upward of 100 (ONE HUNDRED) news conferences by this time in his first term.

You won't give that many in your entire 4 year fiasco and junta. Which can't end soon enough for me, and the majority of Americans who voted for Al Gore.

Don't be scared, shithead. Remember your landing on the Abe Lincoln? You were so brave! And that roll of socks in your crotch...really turned on Chris Matthews (MSNBC) huh?!? You had him screeching in envy of your make-believe ball room!

Now, land on a stage in front of the nation's media and answer questions: Did you lie and fabricate intelligence that put America into a war, with devastating slaughter, in Iraq? Are you really going to dump this on CIA director Tenet? The Bush_Buck stops where? With Director Tenet?


Even though it was common knowledge in the intel community over a year before that? Even the Brits knew it was a lie, but you are so god-damn stupid that you tried to buy, with daddy's money and RNC donations from your energy cabal, phony intel that Saddam was some kind of threat? Worth investing our nation's young volunteer servicepeople's lives and our nation's treasure and Bill Clinton's surplus in capturing the oil fields? At the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of dead innocents?

You are a son of a bitch if ever there was one.

Except to your bud's who are making a fortune on Iraq's oil reserves--The oil you couldn't coax out of the stinking West Texas desert.

No helicopter needed. Just some guts...Got guts, you coward? Not likely. AWOL AGAIN?

War Criminal. Murderer. Every soul you slaughtered in Iraq with your lies should haunt you when you try to sleep, with that sloppy cow Laura in the twin bed in the next room. Dead people screaming in the dark at both of you. How can she stand your stink?

Your screeners will keep this email from you, coward, AWOL after all these years. But hopefully, the souls of the murdered innocents will come screaming at you through the darkness for as long as you take breath.

I hate the air. There is some chance you may have breathed it before our dead or maimed service kids. Coward. AWOL Again.


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