Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Senator Joe Loserman: Get out of the Way and Let Dr. Howard Dean Take Our Country Back

Dear Senator Lieberman:

I watched your *gag* interview with Judy Woodruf on CNN's Inside Politics today. You couldn't wait to tear into Dr. Howard Dean. You were beside yourself with mean, vindictive shots at Dr. Dean..."his politics were too left of center, his ideas are the tired ideas of the past that have lost...yada yada yada"

You are a phony. A droning loserman. I am a Democrat that wants our country back. Republicans Want YOU, Dick head. They will beat you up like a bad piece of meat. And your cutsy little comeback, "How do I know I can beat Bush? Because I did it before!" is bullshit. Al Gore did it. You were an anchor. Ballast. Perhaps even a depth charge that took the whole Gore campaign down with you.

You should just stand "shoulder to shoulder with George Bush." That's where you said you were when you voted for the Iraq war...That's where you belong. As angry as I was when you blew the election for your ticket in 2000, I am angrier at you--NOW.

Your performance, during the 2000 campaign, on Meet the Press, when Tim Russert cleaned your clock with the question: "What About The Military Vote In Florida, Senator Lieberman?"

You gave away the entire election in one sentence. You waffled and droned that every military vote, no matter how illegal or whatever, that was collected in Florida, should be counted. Remember that Joe? You did it. You blew it all just as if you had been on bush's payroll.

You are now trying to decry the only good thing that has happened to the Democratic party in the last three years:

DR HOWARD DEAN, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VERMONT. Democrats want him to be our next duly-elected president. Most real Democrats think of you as...Loserman. That's who/what you are, sir. Please, get out of the way. Not even the Vice Presidency nomination is yours to fuck up this time.

I want my country back, Joe. I'm from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.

(Governor Dean has no knowledge of Nasty Letters to Crooked Politicians, of which I am aware)


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