Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Fucking Chimp_junta mimics Israel Driving Tanks over Homes--Bombing Innocent Iraqis

Rights group questions house demolitions in Iraq, Pentagon denies collective punishment

Where is American Whore Media Reporting On This Catastrophe? Where are the Dem Politicians? We know the fucking repuglikens don't give a shit...

It is one thing for the right-wing press/Faux/CNN to look the other way at the destruction of homes in the occupied areas of Israel.

That is the Israeli Army...not the American Military.

Now we see that the hated occupiers of Iraq--made up of our brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers--are being ordered to do Nazi-type deeds. Destroying the homes of farmers and locals as a warning to the 'terrorists,' i.e., the native redskins.

We will burn their teepees, machine gun their women and children, and make the Nazi reqime look like the Red Cross before it's over. Why does our Army and Marines take these orders from War Criminals chimp_junta? They have the legal and ethical right to NOT ENGAGE IN WAR CRIMES.

This stinking chimper_junta, international war criminals--a cabal of oil and energy greed, Saudi princes, and the Bush Family Crime Empire--must be dragged down, shackled, arrested, and hauled in front of war crimes tribunals. Shot by firing squad at dawn. Feed their corpses to the pigs.

Warrants have been issued for the arrest of bush, cheney, powell, rumsfeld, rice, wolferwizz, perle, franks, chemical tom delay...all killers, international marauders and bombers. Barbarian hoardes that have descended on Iraq and are blitzkreiging it one decimating shock-and-awe blitz at a time.

But mainly FUCKING COWARDS AND CHICKEN HAWKS put into OUR White House by felonious 'supreme' court motherfuckers. Chimp can't even go to our best friend England without taking his own private army to keep his stinking, cowardly bunny-pants ass alive (at nearly a billion taxpayer dollars) so he could take some photo ops for his first election campaign. He's just gotta go.

Hate goppers. Hate them proudly.


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