Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Dean for America: Stop Bush Cronies Today...Contribute $10...

Dean for America: Contribute Today!

Dean for America Responds to "Club for Growth" Ad
With Its Own "Club for Truth" Ad

BURLINGTON--Dean for America today announced that it was launching an ad campaign in response to renewed attacks by Republicans. Today, the Republican-backed group "Club for Growth" announced that it would begin airing ads attacking Governor Dean’s record on taxes. This is the first known ad by a Republican group attacking a Democratic candidate by name.

"It's obvious that the general election is already underway, and that the Republicans are beginning to understand that the greatest grassroots campaign in modern politics poses a serious threat to their special interest friends. This is the third time that Republicans have launched attacks on Governor Dean in the last ten days--first the RNC put up an attack ad, then Ed Gillespie came to Vermont to attack Dean, and now they’re having third parties launch negative ads too," Campaign Manager Joe Trippi said.

"We will not let such false attacks like today's by the Republican 'Club for Growth' go unanswered. The American people are tired of these politics as usual--they want and deserve the truth," Trippi said. "Governor Dean's strong record of fiscal conservativism left Vermont with a legacy of balanced budgets and reducing taxes through his 11 years as governor."

The campaign's ad, which is still in production, will likely begin airing over the weekend in Iowa and New Hampshire:

Title: "Club for Truth"

Length: 30 seconds

Video / Audio

Image of George Bush over a closed factory. / "George Bush. His economic policies created the largest deficit in our county's history."

Footage from Club for Growth ad. / "Now he's hiding behind negative ads that falsely attack Howard Dean."

Text appears: The Truth: / "The Truth?"

Footage of HD on the campaign trail. / "Howard Dean balanced budgets 11 years in a row. He's a fiscal conservative who cut state income taxes--twice. Raised the minimum wage. And provided health care coverage for nearly every child in his state."

HD voice over under footage. / "I'm Howard Dean. I approved this message because they’re not trying to stop me, they’re trying to stop you."

Dean for America: Contribute Today!

(What happened to those lying Gopper neo-con idealogues who said they were "VERY HAPPY HOWARD DEAN WAS IN FRONT AND THEY REALLY WANTED TO RUN AGAINST HIM?"

Looks like they've changed their minds...ROFLOL!!!)


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