Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Sunday, July 13, 2003


Can You Say BRIBE?? GUILTY??? Hang em. Hang em all.

"American Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that Washington would block further funding for Nato's new headquarters in Belgium until the legal threat was withdrawn."

Excuse me, but Rummy took American taxpayer's money to bribe Belgium. The message was clear: get rid of the war crimes indictments, crimes against the peace indictments, murder and maiming charges and indictments against Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, and General Franks or Americans would not let our collected tax money be used to 'HELP' build a new NATO office building in Brussells.

Belgian Defence Minister Andre Flahaut said he was surprised by Mr Rumsfeld's warning, insisting the General Franks case had been rejected by his country.

Mr Rumsfeld has said American military and civilian officials need assurances they could come to Brussels without facing "harassment" from the Belgian courts.

A Bribe. If there was no office building and no $50 million in US taxpayer funds involved, Cheney/Rumsfeld/Frankds/Bush would have had no buttons to press against the Belgium government.

The trials would have gone on. Why bribe the jury unless you know you are GUILTY?

So we can be very proud of our chickenhawk, neo-con cowardly leadership. They have to bribe foreign governments and make civil servants like George Tenet fall on their swords to keep the wolf away from their doors. They are our first homegrown, domestic terrorists.

Cheney even gets to fight his energy lawsuit--where he is shredding the paperwork and evidence that he conspired to rob Americans, hand in glove with Enron etc-- against citizens of this AMERICA with our own tax dollars. Gotta be proud of that mothafoca.

It's not like he doesn't get a $quarter-of-a-million$ dollars a year from Halliburton right now, this year and every year, anyway. He should be paying his own fucking legal bills like the Big Dog, our last duly-elected president Bill Clinton, had to do. No--he would rather charge off the legal bills to the same taxpayers he plotted to steal from with his big-oil cabal.

Never in the history of the world have so many criminals, thieves, and killers been sitting in the White House with their finger on 'the button.' A tree full of pillaging vultures from the old Nixon era. All with axes to grind and worlds to conquer before they die. That won't be soon enough to save what is left of our environment, our national pride, or domestic tranquility, and maybe, our democracy.

Meanwhile, the coward in chief still does the Bush-dodge in deepest, darkest Africa. No Commander Bunnypants landing on an aircraft carrier today? Gee, when is the next heroic chimper moment so's I can set the VCR?!?

Gangsters one and all. Bringing Corporate Greed on a MegaLevel to Your White House!



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