Nasty Letters To Crooked Politicians

As we enter a new era of politics, we hope to see that Obama has the courage to fight the policies that Progressives hate. Will he have the fortitude to turn the economic future of America to help the working man? Or will he turn out to be just a pawn of big money, as he seems to be right now.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Bush 'Indicted' Over War Crimes (Truly a Fine Piece of Journalism!)

Bush 'Indicted' Over War Crimes

Now this is the kind of news that makes my heart sing! That makes at LEAST two soveriegn nations, Belgium and Japan, that have International Crimes Against the Peace indictments against unelected_fraud, George Walker Bush, and members of his chickenhawk junta.

It seems that the only country that will NOT indict this petty despot is the one that didn't want him in the first place, America. Mainly because there is no body in his party with hands clean enough to indict him! They were all criminal conspirators. How many times did YOUR STINKING GOPPER CONGRESSPERSON/SENATOR tell you the B A L D - - F A C E D L_I_E that "by time we see the smoking gun it will be too late?"

Rummy Rumsfeld, a left over from Nixon-Raygun-Bush1 who never got it hard before, stated, with his usual jocular smirk and his arms swatting the wind, "We--er--we know where--er--the WMD's are. They are around Tikrit and...Baghdad--er er" I guess Bush will have to make a special effort to ask his friends and allies...OH NO MR BILL--ONLY TONY BLAIR--AND HE IS REALLY IN THE JACKPOT RIGHT NOW!!

He thinks, "Fuck...Maybe the Frenchies...or the Greacians...or the Argentiners...or the Germanics...Hot Damn...I don't have anyone except these little thuggy butt-police in my own gopper party--and the whore media.

I are really floating down shit's creek without oars. Time for another landing on the Aircraft Carrier Abe Lincoln? Hey Laura, get out my captain bunnypants suit with the sock in the crotch! Then they will love me. I know that will work. HONEY?!?"

(Camera Angle Outside WH where Laura is being chauffered out of Dodge)

Maybe a good day-long hanging in downtown Hiroshima will wipe that smirk of all of their faces. Cuff em. Stuff em. Try em and Fry em. Hang em all. Hang em High. Hang them by the BALLS.


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